Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's official! I'm continuing down the path of self-publishing with my third novel, What She Inherits.
I anticipate an early 2017 publication date.
Why so long, you ask? I know you're all eager to read it, and I hate to keep you waiting, but I've decided to take a slow and steady pace as I get this book ready for public consumption. For my other books, I had only the vaguest notions of what a book launch marketing plan might look like. Now I have a much clearer idea and I plan to have a plan this time around.
Don't worry, though, loyal readers like you will have opportunities to snag advance copies, so stay tuned!
For now, you'll have to be satisfied with the possibilities presented by this lovely cover art. It looks like a book you want to read, doesn't it?
About the Book:
Soon after Angela’s mother’s funeral, strange sounds begin to trouble her in the night, sounds she swears are her mother’s angry voice. In an effort to find peace for herself and for her mother’s restless spirit, Angela seeks the help of a paranormal investigator and attempts to communicate with the fitful ghost, but her efforts lead her to more questions than answers. It turns out her parents were extraordinary secret keepers, and now Angela is on her own to discover the truth about her family.
What She Inherits weaves back and forth between the stories of Angela and Casey, a woman who lives one thousand miles away and whom Angela has never met but who is the only person who can put the puzzle pieces of Angela’s family history together. As much as Angela wants to uncover the past, Casey wants to keep it buried.
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