Friends and Family Secret Sale!

Friends! For those of you kind enough to ask if you can get copies of my new novel in time for Christmas, I am happy to say the answer is YES!


While What She Inherits won't be available to the general public until January 10, 2017, you can purchase an advance copy by clicking the button below between now and December 6.

Signed books make great gifts ;)


If you're local, I'll happily sign your book in person. If you don't live nearby, just send me an email or a message with your address, and I will send you a signed, personalized book plate that you can insert into the front of your book!


You may be wondering if you can buy copies from me directly and cut out the middleman. At this time, I prefer to let Createspace handle the sale of my books in order to simplifying my accounting and taxes.


For those of you who prefer ebooks, remember, you can preorder the digital edition for free via Smashwords using the button below with the coupon code GK86K.


Happy reading and thanks, again, for your support!

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